⚡ HUGE NEWS! ⚡ On April 1, Elon Musk announced that Tesla’s new CYBERTRACTOR will be built in our hometown of Aberdeen, SD. After lots of discussion about what would happen to the The [...]
This is a question I’ve asked hundreds of clients over the years, and it’s amazing how many people don’t have a clear idea what “job” their website is supposed to be doing, and whether it’s [...]
Happy New Year! For rural entrepreneurs, one of the best ways to grow your business is to level up your own skills and expertise through great books. Whether you prefer paper, ebook or audiobook, [...]
In 1905, the Aberdeen, South Dakota area was a global leader in telephone technology. Thanks to visionary entrepreneur John Zeitlow, the Hub City area had America’s first automatic dialing [...]
You’ve heard the saying “word travels fast in a small town,” but you can’t rely on word-of-mouth to sustain or grow your small town business. Take a look at these local consumer statistics: 4 [...]
I know you’re probably sick of reading corporate statements about Coronavirus, so I’ll try not to waste your time. FIRST, I understand this is a rough time for everyone, especially us [...]